Terms and Conditions

Terms & Conditions


Interest shall be charged at the rate of 2% per month or proportionally for parts of a month after 30 days after receipt of materials per this invoice.
No credit will be given on any returned items until they are inspected by American Roofing Supply and Building Products at its facility. Such inspection will determine the amount of credit that will be given for merchandise that is deemed to be damaged. Any such merchandise shall be held for the customer per its instructions. Any shipping of such merchandise by the company shall be at the customers expense. Waiver by American Roofing Supply and Building Products, of strict compliance with any of the terms of this sale is not to ho considered a waiver of customer's exponse.

American Roofing Supply and Building Products' liability shall be limited solely to the replacement of / or refund of the purchase price of the material that has been returned. Provided that any such material shall be returned to American Roofing Supply and Building Products. COST OF FREIGHT OR DELIVERY WILL NOT BE REIMBURSED

In the event that any balance due and owing for the materials supolied herein shall be payable for a period in excess of 30 days. Customer shall be responsible for the interest stated above, in addition to the cost ot co ection, including reasonable attorney fees and court cost.


All shipments will be made F..B. our dock, freight pre-paid unless other arrangements have been made by the buyer. No freight allowance will be made for pick-up at the factory or warehouse. Responsibility for shipment on the part of American Roofing Supply and Building Products ends at the time the carrier accepts the goods for shipment.

American Roofing Supply and Building Products has no liabity for loss or damage in transit


All orders and contracts are accepted and scheduled subject to revision in accordance with American Roofing Supply and Building Products' ability to procure the necessary material, labor, fuel, power and supplies. All schedules are subject to government regulations, government requirements, force majeure, acts of God, war, strikes, lock-outs, floods, accidents, fires, riots, civil commotion, acts of belligerent powers, delays or interruption in transportation of any kind whatsoever, and other contingencies beyond American Roofing Supply and Building Products control. All orders and contracts are also subject to current factory shipping schedules.


No merchandise may be returned to American Roofing Supply and Building Products without authorization and shipping instructions from American Roofing Supply and Building Products. A return authorization number must be secured from American Roofing Supply and Building Products before returning any merchandise and the amount of credit, if any, for the returned merchandise and handling charges will be determined by the company upon inspection of the returned merchandise.


Any order, once placed with and accepted by American Roofing Supply and Building Products, can be canceled only with American Roofing Supply and Building Products" consent and is subject to cancellation charges of American Roofing Supply and Building Products, including a 25% Handling Charge.


Any claims for shortages must be made at time of receipt. No claims will be allowed if not made in accordance with the foregoing as to time in writing. All shortages must be documented on original paperwork at time of receipt.


All stenographic and clerical errors are subject to correction.


Each shipment shall be treated as a separate and distinct contract, provided however, if buyer shall fail to fulfill the terms of payment American Roofing Supply and Building Products may, without prejudice to any other lawful remedy, defer further shipments until payment is made on prior shipments or may cancel this contract and stop the goods in transit.


If the buyer shall make assignment for the benefit of creditors or a voluntary or involuntary petition or other action in bankruptcy or for reorganization or under any other insolvency law shall be filed by or against the buyer, or the buyer shall admit its ability to pay its debt, or trustee, receiver, or liquidators is appointed for any part of the assets of the buyer, then American Roofing Supply and Building Products may, at its option, immediately terminate further compliance with any orders from the buyer and, if goods ordered have been shipped American Roofing Supply and Building Products, may stop the goods in transit and have them shipped to American Roofing Supply and Building Products warehouse, and unpaid inventories will be immediately reshipped back to American Roofing Supply and Building Products to help offset outstanding debt.